Posted 08th December 2022.
Ray Honeyford, the head teacher whose outspoken views of multiculturalism in schools sparked a nationwide uproar, passed away in 2012. Had the public accepted his beliefs, which once divided it?
On the surface, he appeared to be an unusual opponent of multiculturalism.
More over 90% of the students at Ray Honeyford's school in Bradford's inner city were non-white.
However, he was tired with the dominant educational viewpoints.
He penned an article for the conservative Salisbury Review in 1984 that made him the target of both hostility and hero admiration.
Mr. Honeyford argued that there were "growing numbers of Asians whose aim is to preserve as intact as possible the values and attitudes of the Indian sub-continent within a framework of British social and political privilege, i.e. to produce Asian ghettoes," which he saw as many of the shortcomings of the educational legislation and attitudes of the time.
A powerful group of aggressive black intellectuals who lack knowledge of British traditions of restraint, civil debate, and respect for reason were also criticised by him.
In other words, multiculturalism—defined by Mr. Honeyford as permitting many cultures to persist in their segregation inside the same nation—was incorrect.
The first Asian Lord Mayor of the United Kingdom was Mohammed Ajeeb. He was appointed Bradford's Lord Mayor. It was Mr Ajeeb who called for Honeyford's resignation and apology. Something that he stands firmly in his commitment until today.
Honeyford, took voluntary retirement, citing depression and anxiety - never to teach again.
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